Interactive Image Creator

You can now create informative seating chart without adding hundreds labels and colors on the map by inserting mouseover popup boxes. Here is a dynamic stadium seat plan that demonstrates a new way to present information.

Add annotations on the seating chart

Add labels as annotations on the seat plan (e.g. "Stage", row number), and the label styles (e.g. font, size, color) can be customized in the software without coding.

Draw colored rectangles

Draw colored rectangles to highlight special seats (e.g. restricted sight / seats for wheelchair audiences). Rectangles settings (e.g. color, opacity, size) can also be changed without coding / programming.

Draw transparent polygons for grouping

Apart from highlighting all the seats, we can draw transparent polygons for grouping. In the sample map, seats are divided into 3 groups that transparent polygons are added to separate the groups. You can easily create the transparent polygons by setting polygon opacity as "0".

Insert popup boxes for polygons

Mouseover boxes can be easily inserted into the polygons for additional information. Since the popup boxes support HTML code, customized text content (e.g. font size, add images, add videos, add tables) is supported.

Create map legend

Easily create map legend using import function, and you can edit the legend content and style inside the editor without any coding. In the sample map, map legend is created to annotating the colored regions on the seating chart.

Convert the seat plans, floor plans, and other images into dynamic images without coding now.